Seminar Experimental Design
The Disciplin.
We have a keen interest in architecture as such. The rich history of our discipline, its constant questioning through theory and discourse, and architecture’s complex relationships to all kinds of contexts shape our projects. With the help of such an “arsenal of architecture”, we like to go beyond the all-too-often boring functionalism of architectural projects.
The Digital.
The rise of digital tools in architecture since the 1990s has enriched our discipline not only with new technological possibilities. ‘The Digital’ also offered fresh design methods and a profound discoursive background for the further development of architecture. We are fascinated by such developments and try to make a contribution from time to time.
The contribution of the construction industry to both the massive consumption of resources and the emission of CO2 is a fact that no architect can deny. Accordingly, we aim for an architecture that responds to its environment as responsibly as possible.

Studio Experimental Design
Next to his work at one fine day, Holger spends most of his time teaching and researching at the University of Wuppertal, Germany. Here, he heads the Chair for Techniques of Representation and Design (DME). This is great fun!
Chair for Techniques of Representation and Design

University of Wuppertal
The Chair of “Techniques of Representation and Design” at the University of Wuppertal develops and teaches techniques for the computer-aided conception, visualization and materialization of architectural projects. We embrace a comparably broad range of topics inbetween disciplinary and technological themes.