one fine day it will all be fantastic:
Your house will be finished and we will enjoy the obvious and not so obvious qualities of its architecture.
Until then, well:
It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock’N’Roll.)
one fine day

one fine day is an office with a serious interest in architectural design. The name suggests our fundamentally positive attitude, our idealism and the ambition required to develop architecture beyond standard solutions. It is a claim to the speculative, the unforeseen and the exciting, which we see at the core of architecture and design as a cultural discipline.
Oddly named offices are common in architecture. Such names allow for a reference to mindset. And they highlight the idea that architecture emerges from collectives, not from explicitly named authors. We share such a collaborative approach, because we saw how our colleagues’ talents have played a key role in shaping our projects.
And we are happy to have found a place for our office that is so close to the picturesque park landscape of the “Hardt”-hill in Wuppertal. In addition to all the serious and dedicated engagement with our profession, our daily practice is also shaped by fresh air and the abundance of floral forms.
Red Dot Design Award (Welcome Forum)
reddot winner 2024
Grubenwasserhebewerk, Bergkamen
hon.mentioned 2022
Griep Baulogistik, Wiesbaden
1st prize 2019
invited competition
DAM-Preis (Haus H)
nomination 2018
Schüco Welcome Forum, Bielefeld
1st prize 2018
invited competition
Renovation City Hall, Gütersloh
4th prize 2017
closed competition
1st prize 2014
open competition
House H
1st prize 2014
invited competition
Deubau Preis 2014
nomination 2014
Central Mosque of Pristina
3rd prize 2013
open competition
Baukunstpreis of Stiftung Städelschule for Baukunst
prize 2012
Tree Top Walk, Steigerwald
1st prize 2012
Förderpreis junge Künstler NRW 2012
nomination 2012
German-Indian Pavilion
3rd prize 2010
open competition
Tree Top Walk, Gemuenden
1st prize 2010
invited competition
Stand for German Architects Chamber
hon. mentioned 2010
open competition